The LIUM English-to-French Spoken Language Translation System and the Vecsys/LIUM Automatic Speech Recognition System for Italian Language for IWSLT 2014

Recommended citation: @inproceedings{rousseau2014iwslt, address = {Lake Tahoe, USA}, author = {Rousseau, A. and Barrault, L. and Deléglise, P and Estève, Y and Schwenk, H. and Bennacef, S. and Muscariello, A. and Vanni, S.}, booktitle = {International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT)}, category = {ACTI}, title = {The LIUM English-to-French Spoken Language Translation System and the Vecsys/LIUM Automatic Speech Recognition System for Italian Language for IWSLT 2014}, url = {}, year = {2014} }